Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Myrl Beck May 2, 2013

Hi, Linda: St. Joes has opened a new cancer center; I plan to volunteer there when I get too old to traipse down to Fred Hutch. I visited it today; it has just opened and is splendid. I subscribed to a memorial stone. It says "Linda & Myrl, . March 19, 1982" - and then at the bottom, "Always". It sits next to a beautiful maple tree. It is lovely. That makes the third stone to our marriage scattered around Bellingham; I will visit them all for as long as I can. The family is throwing me a big birthday party, for my 80th. We all wish you could be there, especially me. I love you. Myrl

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Lynda Berendsen Aug 15, 2011

This is our 6th or 7th year to come to Bellingham from Kansas to take our boat out for a month's cruise. It is the first year Linda has not been here to greet us and go with us on a short trip. We had some exciting trips with Myrl and Linda. One was a terrifying trip across The Strait of Georgia with very heavy winds and quite high waves. I was terrified and holding on for dear life. There was Linda taking a video of Pieter driving through the waves. We miss you Linda!