Friday, December 13, 2013


To paraphrase Ramses II: 
She for whom the Christmas tree shines its brightest.
Well, heck, it’s Christmas time again.  This is the third Christmas without Linda, and I seem to be missing her more all the time.   She loved the holidays, and her enthusiasm transmitted itself to all around her, making things special.  It won’t be that much fun this year, but I know she would want me to give it a try, and I am.  I spent Thanksgiving with Carolyn (and stayed on for her birthday), and in a few days I am going to Cordova for Christmas and New Year’s.  There I will meet my two great grandbabies, Seamus and Evelyn, for the first time, and also enjoy the company of my three granddaughters, one daughter – and, of course, their various male support staff.  It should be a blast.  Still, Linda’s little ornaments will spend another year in their box.  I urge you all to consider making an end-of-year contribution to cancer research.  Go to
and do it to honor Linda.  Write something in the “guest book”, too.
I am planning to cover the back of this page with pictures, so let me use the rest of this side to tell you what I’ve been doing, and what the immediate future holds.  I did get away from Bellingham some during 2013, but not to anywhere exotic.  I did the usual rain-avoidance stint in Borrego Springs; and I also had a great week in Flagstaff with Kristen and Joe.  I like that country (the Colorado Plateau and the Big Rez), and I hope to return frequently.  I have spent a considerable amount of time and energy in Seattle, trying to help out with ovarian cancer research.  As all of you probably already know, I am a volunteer with the Marsha Rivkin Center for Ovarian Cancer Research (where I am trying to help Dr. Rivkin himself with various writing projects), and also a “research advocate” with the ovarian program at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.  Other than that I just hang out in Bellingham, trying to keep the house livable and the cats fed.  So far I have succeeded – with the help of Molly for the first task, and Bunny and David for the second.  When I am in Seattle I stay with Karen, and we explore the café and movie scene.  And that’s about it.  Not very exciting?  Heck, I’m 80 – a weekly beer with the boys fills all my social needs, darned near.
As for the future, well, gnutz, I get to have another joint replaced.  January 10th is the date, and the weeks before that are filling up with things I need to do – joint replacement class, stop medications, start other ones, see the doctor, see the nurse, make out my will, etc., etc.  When I got my first tin hip, maybe 20 years ago, I don’t recall all this fuss.  I’m sure it all is helpful – and of course it also helps guarantee full employment in the medical professions.  So, anyway, recovery time for an OF is of the order of six weeks, so I may not be able to spend much (or any) time in Borrego Springs this winter.  I should be recovered enough for Karen and me to take our planned trip: visit Kristen and Joe in Flag, then tour Indian Country.  I will wear my bola tie and Navajo silver belt buckle and fit right in.  (Hosteen Beck, I will be.)  After that – no clue.  Continue to help out in Seattle.  Keep adding to my blog*.  Keep drinking beer with the boys.  Keep the house passable until Linda and Paul buy it  and I can move into a nice mobile home with no stairs.  And make sure my fat cats are healthy.  Pretty exciting, don’t you think?
Blogger won't let me post the second page.  Grinch!




  1. Sounds like not a bad year but I hope next is better.

  2. "Various male support staff" ha ha! I love it. Glad you will be coming here again soon! Hope you have happy holidays in Cordova.

  3. Seamus, James and I are very excited that you will be here soon!
