Sunday, December 8, 2013


Looks like an anniversary
In our little Cowgill house
The purpose of this blog is to re-kindle your interest.  I have been away for over a week, and so nothing new has been posted.  The result is that my “hits” dropped from about 150/week – to 6!  And all of them from Moldova!  (Not really.)  So here are some articles I found in the NY Time, which you might want to read.  Well, I doubt if you'll really WANT to read them, but you should, anyway.
The first concerns the availability of new drugs or treatments to end-stage patients, without FDA approval.  Apparently there really is an avenue to do this (without going to Mexico), but it has its limits.  One seems to be not knowing (or not caring) about possible “deleterious side effects.”  I’ve always felt that if nothing approved will work and the patient is going to die, something unapproved could be administered without  violating any ethical guidelines,  No doubt it isn't that simple.  Anyway, here it is: 
The second item of interest is a blog published in the Times, written by an extremely articulate woman who has advanced ovarian cancer.  Heaven forfend that any of you should ever experience what she is going through, but it might be a useful exercise to promote understanding.  Linda went through this, and I didn’t help her enough.  Now I’m trying to make it up to her, when it’s too late.  Anyway, here is the latest blog:

1 comment:

  1. And speaking of going to Mexico: While in Eureka to enjoy Thanksgiving with Carolyn I went to a movie: Dallas Buyers Club. It deals with effort of AIDS victims to stay alive, using drugs that seem to help but are not available here. (Why?) It is hard to watch, but very good. I walked out with a knot in my stomach almost as large as the one I developed watching "Twelve Years a Slave". And the ridiculous thing is: I thought it was going to be a comedy!
